Time Strategies
Hello Fellow Bloggers!
For time management this semester, I have already laid out scheduled times for me to work on this course's assignments on my google calendar with notifications to remind me to study. In addition to this, I have linked my canvas calendar to my apple calendar. I usually am pretty decent at turning in assignments but I have made it a personal goal to stick to my schedule this semester for various assignments. I first read the article titled "the psychology of checklists" that showcased the benefits of making a checklist. By completing something on a checklist, our brain releases dopamine which in turn makes us want to check another thing off our list to get even more dopamine! I personally use lists often throughout the day/week. I got a desk calendar last semester and used it for checklists, which was really nice. I plan to continue this time strategy for years to come. I then read the article titled "How to build a realistic study plan that you’ll actually stick to" which was about taking the time to think about how long assignments personally take for you and accounting for this time when creating a study plan. It then suggests breaking down assignments into parts, each with its own time allotted to complete that task. It also mentions using a checklist to tick off your goals to feel like you've made progress. Then, it suggests using this schedule on a regular weekly basis to create a good studying ritual. By doing so it helps people not feel so overwhelmed by their class assignments. Lastly, it said to review and revise your schedule so that it fits into that week's work for a person to account for any changes in assignments that week. The articles were useful and rather interesting to read. This semester I am trying to become more disciplined in how and when I study, so this assignment was awesome for me! Juggling this course alongside all my other courses is always the biggest struggle each semester but hopefully, with planning ahead using these strategies, I can improve my studying methods this semester.
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